The Yad Ezrah Organization in Israel runs a variety of humanitarian projects, which provide vital aid throughout the country for over one hundred thousand needy Jews annually.
Yad Ezrah Chesse
The Yad Ezrah Organization in Israel runs a variety of humanitarian projects, which provide vital aid throughout the country for over one hundred thousand needy Jews annually.
Yad Ezrah Chessed Organization was founded over 60 years ago by the Jerusalem-based wondrous tzadik Rav Asher Freund zt”l. Rav Asher dedicated himself to helping each Jew, whoever and wherever he may be. He was a pioneer in establishing chesed organizations in Israel that assist needy families at each junction of their lives, especially at their weakest moments.
Yad Ezrah is a multi-branched umbrella organization that provides Shabbat and Yom Tov free food distribution, a daily soup kitchen, free medical and emotional relief services, low cost dental clinics, low cost wedding halls, education for low income families and much more.
There has never been an organization like Yad Ezrah. For over 60 years, it has been a one stop shop for the poor, the sick, the depressed, the newlywed, the orphaned and the working mothers who need a break. The organization is a support system for thousands of hard working families who are unable to fully provide for their monthly needs due to various circumstances. Yad Ezrah is a shoulder for those who need direction and support and an open hand for those who have nowhere to turn.
Lives are reborn, confidence is renewed and hope is restored as we see parents and children smiling once again. It is a smile that brings Yad Ezrah great joy and satisfaction. It is a smile that Rav Asher ZT”L looked for in every person.
d Organization was founded over 60 years ago by the Jerusalem-based wondrous tzadik Rav Asher Freund zt”l. Rav Asher dedicated himself to helping each Jew, whoever and wherever he may be. He was a pioneer in establishing chesed organizations in Israel that assist needy families at each junction of their lives, especially at their weakest moments.
Yad Ezrah is a multi-branched umbrella organization that provides Shabbat and Yom Tov free food distribution, a daily soup kitchen, free medical and emotional relief services, low cost dental clinics, low cost wedding halls, education for low income families and much more.
There has never been an organization like Yad Ezrah. For over 60 years, it has been a one stop shop for the poor, the sick, the depressed, the newlywed, the orphaned and the working mothers who need a break. The organization is a support system for thousands of hard working families who are unable to fully provide for their monthly needs due to various circumstances. Yad Ezrah is a shoulder for those who need direction and support and an open hand for those who have nowhere to turn.
Lives are reborn, confidence is renewed and hope is restored as we see parents and children smiling once again. It is a smile that brings Yad Ezrah great joy and satisfaction. It is a smile that Rav Asher ZT”L looked for in every person.
Swords of Iron Operations
Day Care-Centers
Hospital Visits
Hachnassat Kallah
Apartment Rentals
Soup Kitchen
Rehabilitation Center
Helping Over 100,000 People Every Year - One at a Time
2,170Free Meals Served Every Week - Soup Kitchen
1,995Weekly Food Distribution - Meals on Wheels
3,930Free Meals Served to Children - Day Care Centers
1.600Families Receiving Free Shabbos Food Every Week
3.300Families Receiving Food for Pesach
156Simchas Per Year That Are Catered For Free
470Couples Per Year That Receive a Wedding Dowry
390Number of Wedding Costs Discounted
60Apartments Provided for Newlywed Couples
510Mothers Provided With Free Post-Natal Care
365Children Provided with Free Day Care
226Students Enrolled in Low Cost Talmud Torahs & Special Ed Programs
22,000Patients Receiving High Quality / Low Cost Dental Care Each Year
160Mentally Challenged Patients Receiving Free Professional Care
8Number of Occupational Therapy Workshops in Use Daily
177Patients Who Enjoy Our Social Development Recreational Club
28Number of Patients Living in Supervised Living Quarters
Prayers at the Kotel
There is no power like the power of prayer. If you would like us to pray for you and place a note into the Kotel for you, on behalf of someone in need of a refuah, a shidduch, parnassa, good mazal…or just in honor of someone special – please send us an email with the name of that person and the prayers needed. Include your own contact information so we can send you verification that it was done.