window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-4X5QT2QHMJ'); Bar Mitzvah Assistance - Yad Ezrah

As the years go by, the young become older and as hundreds of boys turn into young men at the age of 13, an expensive necessity becomes a reality – tefillin (Phylacteries).  Hundreds of impoverished families simply cannot add the their long list of struggles, the expense of buying tefillin for their bar mitzvah boys.  The psychological effect on these boys is beyond words.  On the one hand, the need to wear tefillin every day is not negotiable and as 

much a necessity as eating supper.  In fact, as some of these families send their children to bed without supper if need be, they will never forgo their child a day without putting on tefillin.  As the 13th birthday arrives, the struggle to find money to purchase tefillin becomes more intense and effects the serenity of the entire family.  

An average pair of tefillin can cost between $1000-$2000.  Add to that the need to buy the bar mitzvah boy a suit, a hat, maybe a pair of shoes, etc…

and then make him a small Bar Mitzvah meal…the family can easily anticipate a celebration they cannot afford.

They need your help.  Yad Ezrah will do the legwork and put all of the pieces together to make every child who reaches their 13th birthday a day to rejoice and remember.  But we cannot do it without the funds.  Please join us in the great mitzvah of making a bar mitzvah possible for those in need.  Your generosity will help turn boys into men and men into future leaders.

It is my wish, hope, and prayer that Hashem will answer your personal prayers for all that is good, and He will awaken your heart to do acts of benevolence and charity. May you thereby merit to be a partner and a witness to our final redemption.

From Reb Asher Freund