window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-4X5QT2QHMJ'); Donation Options - Yad Ezrah

Donation details

Donation Total


Personal Details

To Pay by Credit Card

Click Here:

 CC Donation

Send a check by mail

US Address:

U.S. Friends of Yad Ezrah
c/o  Dr. Harold Weissman
38 Hilltop Place   Monsey, New York  10952

U.S. Tax ID No.   13-3887-075

Israel Address:

P.O.B. 7199
Jerusalem, Israel

Bank transfer

Within Israel
Bank:  Pagi Bank
Bank No.:  52
Branch:  Rabi Akiva
Branch No.: 183
Account: Yad Ezrah
Account Number: 636800
IBAN: IL590521830000000636800

Outside of Israel
Bank: Citibank N.A
Branch: 644
Account: U.S Friends of Yad Ezrah Inc.
Account Number: 9947156818
ABA: 021000089

It is my wish, hope, and prayer that Hashem will answer your personal prayers for all that is good, and He will awaken your heart to do acts of benevolence and charity. May you thereby merit to be a partner and a witness to our final redemption.

From Reb Asher Freund