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The Israeli population is blessed to be one of  strength and determination.  Most of all, we are a nation of rachamim – mercy.  There is no bigger need for that rachamim than those who are mentally handicapped or those dealing with severe psychological issues.  

Over 40 years ago, Rav Asher pioneered a one-stop solution for those suffering souls by initiating a rehabilitation center.  His vision to provide assistance to those who could not fend for themselves soon turned into a highly functional and innovative facility, providing a warm, nurturing and empowering Jewish environment within its walls.   

The Ohr Yerushalayim Rehabilitation Center is filled with dedicated healthcare professionals who bestow genuine compassion, love, respect and encouragement every day of the year. The treatments , training and tools provided give the participants the strength to face the trials and tribulations that they face each day and the ability to maximize their contribution to society.

The Mission Statement of the Center:

  • Focus on each individual’s strengths and abilities – not on their  weaknesses.                    
  • Inspire the participation of the individual on all levels of interaction – and encourage each sign of success.
  • Use the surroundings we make for others as the focus of intervention.
  • Portray the rehabilitation therapist as a friend, as a guide and as an example of humanity.
  • Focus on achieving independence as a goal – not as a dream.
  • Approach each challenge with understanding and determination – with the understanding that there is no challenge that cannot be met.
  • Strive for normalization, as it is the blueprint to a patient’s success.
  • Build hope…build more hope…and when you’ve lost it….build it again.


Rehabilitation stages in the workplace focus on three challenges:

  1. Functioning within the work environment – quality of the product, diligence, creativity, quality of work, responsibility and initiative.

  2. Interpersonal relations within the work environment – building and strengthening the possibilities of interpersonal relations that are workplace appropriate.

  3. Self image as a worker – building positive and realistic self image as a worker in the open market.

Our work at Ohr Yerushalayim is far from done but we have seen our share of miracles.   People who had no vision for the future are now integrating into society.  Life is still a challenge, but the smiles each day make the fight worthwhile. 

Please join our battle to put a smile on the faces of those who so desperately need it.  The payback is indescribable…and everlasting.

It is my wish, hope, and prayer that Hashem will answer your personal prayers for all that is good, and He will awaken your heart to do acts of benevolence and charity. May you thereby merit to be a partner and a witness to our final redemption.

From Reb Asher Freund