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The grandson of Rav Usher once came to his room , and asked him  , Zeady (Grandfather in Idish) , How come so much people with broken harts and gloomy face is coming to see you , sharing with you all the troubles in the world , and after half an hour when they leaving your room , they face are happy and full of joy. In half an hour , you solved years of  troubles and suffer ?

Rav Usher answered him , Here in my room (and pointed the floor near his bed ) flowing a river of love , every one that enters my room I take a bucket of water from the river and let them drink ,

The love is what heals all the wounds.

Swords of Iron Operations

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Food Distribution and More…for the Chagim

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Bar Mitzvah Assistance

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Day Care-Centers

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Pesach Hospitality for Widows and Orphans

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Yahrzeit Services

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Hospital Visits

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Hospitality in Meron

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Hachnassat Kallah

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Talmud Torah-Yeshiva

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Shabbat and Holiday Hospitality

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Apartment Rentals

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Rehabilitation Center

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It is my wish, hope, and prayer that Hashem will answer your personal prayers for all that is good, and He will awaken your heart to do acts of benevolence and charity. May you thereby merit to be a partner and a witness to our final redemption.

From Reb Asher Freund