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Hachnassat Kallah

Newlyweds face many financial obstacles at the onset of their journey together. Yad Ezrah launched a number of programs that enable them to establish a respectful home, within a budget that they can afford, leaving them with love and harmony intact.
One such program is a dowry initiative, named after Tzivia, the late wife of Reb Asher Freund zt”l. Eshel Tzivia extends a dowry to couples who cannot meet the expenses of purchasing basic necessities for their new home. The couple is provided with new sets of linen, blankets, towels and basic kitchen supplies, filling their new home with joy, optimism and warmth.
A new fund called ”The Ohel Sarah Fund” was established by our dear friends, the Rohr Family, in memory of their beloved mother, Sara Rohr a”h. The fund provides loans and financial grants to eligible young couples whose families simply cannot manage to pay the wedding expenses with their meager salaries. Many of these newlyweds were orphaned at a young age, and some are products of dysfunctional homes. Yad Ezrah is acquainted with their sorrowful plights firsthand, and is always ready to offer assistance, reassuring both the couple and their struggling families that they are not alone.
We invite you to partake in the simchas of these young couples. Be our honored guests and let us dance together as we assure the bride and groom that their future together will be a secure and happy one. No RSVP needed. Only a contribution.



It is my wish, hope, and prayer that Hashem will answer your personal prayers for all that is good, and He will awaken your heart to do acts of benevolence and charity. May you thereby merit to be a partner and a witness to our final redemption.

From Reb Asher Freund