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An integral part of the rehabilitation process at the Ohr Yerushalayim’s Rehab Center involves a well planned physical fitness program.

The effect of physical fitness training on the body is well documented and is a proven aspect of general well health, providing benefits for mental health, as well.  

The effort of enhancing the muscular body through a physical fitness program provides a wide range of benefits above that of improved overall appearance and health. Regular exercise strengthens the heart, improves cholesterol levels, increases flexibility, improves sleep quality, reduces stress and increases endurance. According to medical experts, fitness reduce your heart rate at rest and increase blood flow to the heart.   In addition to reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes, these exercises help to increase good cholesterol levels and battle weight issues.

For those reasons, Ohr Yerushalayim has embarked on a project to open a physical fitness studio/gym to be intertwined into the general rehabilitation program. 

There are three targets of the population that will be positively effected by the opening of this gym.  They are:

Ohr Yerushalayim Rehab Center Patients:    Through much discussion with physical therapists and medical professionals who work with the patients at our medical center, a detailed plan to construct a gymnasium was created which would greatly enhance the well being of those under their care.  The positive aspects of a well planned physical workout and therapy program will work hand in hand with the many other programs

General Public Mentally Challenged:    These are members of the general community who are not patients of the Rehab Center but who suffer from depression, anxiety and a litany of other psychological hardships.  They are in dire need of mental and physical exercise and well planned fitness therapy to boost self image and confidence.

The General Public:      Despite the uphill and downhill treks associated with living in Jerusalem, the fact is that many community members are overweight and not in good physical shape.  The ability to go to a gym on a semi-regular basis is an attractive opportunity – one which will provide a service to the participant and an income to Yad Ezrah to offset the cost of operation.     

Logistics:    The new Gym will, G-d willing, be built in the basement area of the Rehab Center.  It will consist of a general exercise room, a specialty physical therapy chamber, a locker room, a shower room and a bathroom.    The gym will allow for a maximum of 20 users at a time. The exercise equipment will consist of specifically predetermined top of the line equipment.

The Bottom Line:     The need for a high functioning gym as part of the rehabilitation program is clear and well thought out.  Specifically targeted goals through carefully planned workouts will achieve a successful physical and emotional outcome.  The costs to complete and open the gym is as follow:

Gym Renovation & Design:   $110,190

Gym Equipment:    $125,100

The plans are drawn, the renovators are ready and the equipment is designated.   We are ready to proceed.  All we need is YOU.

It is my wish, hope, and prayer that Hashem will answer your personal prayers for all that is good, and He will awaken your heart to do acts of benevolence and charity. May you thereby merit to be a partner and a witness to our final redemption.

From Reb Asher Freund